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Sunday, April 22, 2007

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Wolf - at witz' end

Ur sorroundings influence you. It does Indeed. My uncle has been a small time political activist (He was fighting the communists.. ). With our constant effort he finallyu distanced himself from all political affiliations.. All?. That's what we thought. But chor chori se jaaye sheena zori se na jaaye. (which means no matter where and how u put Richard Gere, he will create a kissing story out of it ;).. why the fuk did they vote him the sexiest man.. If they did .. tell him since then, a lot of water has flown down the bridge and .. people like Brad pitt and George Clooney have come and gone).. Back to the subject. So this uncle of mine is taking a bed rest for three months coz an accident. Now all his aquaintances come to the house and discuss, politics and business (rn't they synonymous :-?). 24x7.
So it has rubbed on to me, I've gotten into politics and I picked up this news about Wolfowitz. Sounds NAZI.. Nah re. Infact, he is a Jew. President of World Bank. Served in the defence deptt. All the sleazy CV points.
So, this guy is on the news coz of the nepotism he has indulged in. Now, there is an Indian connection to it. Bush made him the president of World Bank to clease corruption. All the presidents of the World Bank have to be Americans .. So, much for the proponents of democracy (rolls his eyes).
So, a man on a mission sends a troupe of lawyers to India to check the corruption in the Health Sector fundings. They summon our Finance Minister Mr. P. Chidambaram and wanted to interrogate him .. phewww. The FinMin refused to talk to anyone except their leader ( I guess it was Shaha Riza herself (correct me, if I m wrong). Pissed off. They all went back and recommonded the blockade of all funds to India's Health Mission. And it got Blocked. Some people still treat the third world as their colonies.
Now, its time for Mr. Wolf to answer. He has been charged with showing extra favors to Shaha Riza and had granted her extra powers. Hi hi hi ... ho ho ho... Maza Aaaya


  1. That's a great publication on the subject fighting the communists Add your blog site to the bizleadsnet collection.

  2. yeah, jj, u spelt Riza right. and very enlightening, the behind-the-scene build-up to the Wolfowitz scandal. r these issues, the fractious India visit and the probe on the WB Pres., connected, or is that stretching it a teeny bit...?

    btw, as long as you thought out ur future prospects thoroughly, you needn't bother with the peer pressure to start out as self-supporting entrpreneurs. It's all risk, whatever you do; the key ingredient that'll determine whether you succeed or get sucked under is...you

  3. ...methinks a decision's been made about the Wolf-Riza issue, anyway, except a media lull is being contrived to wane public attention before the axe falls. Whether it's Wolfowitz, Riza, or the Benedict Arnold who blew the whistle, heads will roll, count on it...

  4. I knew writing about politics wd tickle whose bones.. and Trigger it is.. :P.

    No the trial for Wolf is noty connected to the behind the scene issue in India.. but was just highlighting the fact.. how one whio is to cleanse corruption is being triad for corruption .. :P

    and thanx for the kind words about entrepreneurship issue... but Trigger gimme somethng new :)


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