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Friday, November 18, 2005

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when it rained arms ... the prologue

the frosty wind has let the oddly godly bird to scratch its heart like the workohlic in an investment bank having his one night stand.And in the bird were 6 innocent LATVIAN sons of al capone were busy pushing the crates off the birds tummy.

this is the time when Fredrick Forsyth is not goin to be excited about those loads of rocket launchers and AK-47 falling through the silent wind of an ohh! so leninist land.

but they were goin down one by one,.... soon 77 crates were down the drain lying in the cursed lands of rural bengal.

yep it was a cold december nite .... salute KIM DAVY..

next day .. NEWSPAPERS r singin the tunes of ... they all made the unforgiven land of PURULIA come out of "oblivion".

bout a place from where my ancestors come.

jay signing off for now.


  1. I didint get half of it but i guess it was abt that bomb blast where ur ancestors got injured.
    Nice Job.
    Btw No publisher is gonna publish this crap:P

  2. jennifer: kewl story and good job.

  3. i didn't quite get what you were trying to say in that pasage but i really like it in a way that i can't. i want to see more of the story.

  4. gudd wurk grandpa .......altho i din get a wurd of it ....hmmm but i like da way u confuse ppl newayz i m not gonna read it again coz i want ma brain to function properly .... ya grand daughter granpa (komal)

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