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The Worst Posts

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

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and hence the blogrolled..

following is the recreation of the post i had in my blog i created yestrday ... and eventually yes i lost it again...

" its the 6th blog i ve started

unholy path of leakin pen again charted

i lost the ids next very day of all the earlier ones... considering the fact that it was an action well taken by a worshipper of GARFIELD the god of laziness ... i have started to believe that the world is not fair for all, specially angels like me..

and so again friends and believers of my folklore, wd have to put in comments again here at my request and wait till the time when this one blog goes to blog the net - traffic and then get lost in oblivion.

but as they say .... u transplant organ from one entity to other but u cannot remove the impression of the sperm that started it all..

i m effected by the bugging blogging sperm of dishing out crap.

so here i start anothr blog."


  1. duhhhh... hehehe

    nothin just wanna get rid with the 0 comment...lol


    9:55 AM

  2. WB, dude :-)

    The way you are going at this, you may set up a record for "dead Blogs" on the net....

  3. Welcome aboard!!! Keep blogging! And dont lose this one. ;-)

  4. hey....

    woah 6th blog??

  5. huh!! seems u gotta lot of time...lend me some.


  6. 6th blog! man u hev perseverance!
    hope this doesnt lose its way in the maze of ur boggling passwords n wierd usernames.


  7. JayKay >>> Great Job dost .. i am really proud of u ... keep the things rolling like that !!!



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