As I mentioned in Worth Work-Shopping - 1, Sudha keeps throwing few random lines and we are supposed to build on it. I am putting here a couple of seeds she planted in the 2nd session and my humble responses:
1. "It was a rainy day when my parents came with a girl who was to be my sister..".
Even though moist, this sugar cube was hard to cut into three small pieces. But hunger knows no boundary. So, I have been trying to scratch on the surface for last one hour. I want to give up now for the task seems enormous but my folks tell me being an "ant" was never meant to be easy.
So, I look up to my mom for help but she is too busy feeding this newbie with small little grains. "She is not even truly red", I screamed within my head - "The one who is not blood red is not a true red ant".
How to introduce her to my friends filled my mind. All my life - The Semi Red Daunty, The Light Red - Monty, and The Shiny Red - Haunty - have bowed before me. Now, I have to call this orange head my sister !!!
"There is no justice in this world" - I thought, while I rolled my sugar cube towards DAD in the next 20 minutes. He was reading the weather report.
"Ant kingdom is warned against flooding today" - screamed the headline, my Dad was immersed into.
"Dad! I need help !!" I yelled.
"So, did I" - yelled back his DAD in his rum soaked voice - "..when I was 3, and my 4th leg was not even 0.1mm - I would still devour a whole ball of sugar on my own".
"No ant is a true ant who can't work for itself"..
2. "She woke up with a start".
She woke up with a start and a bad start it was. Alice was eating her pie under a tree, which was as huge as a ship. Black Colored pie was smeared all over her face. Yesterday, when she left her she was about 100 kgs and today she seemed to be 120 kgs (or so..). There was a small rose plant nearby her yesterday, but was gone today. What legend had to say, probably was true - Alice eats everything and every non-thing. Saunter, the bard, had once complained that Alice ate his poems. The pantheon argued for 3 centuries as to how someone can eat a poem.
She wanted to walk and see beyond the mammoth figure of Alice. But no one was allowed to pass The Gatekeeper unless they paid the price and fed her something. Alice wanted her dreams, but she was sure - not today. She had slept through the day at work looking forward to this dream and Alice will eat it up as a fee to let her cross - "Not Today", She pledged to herself.
The Fairy maiden that lived beyond Alice must be waiting for her. Last night the fairy had shown her billowing dress and shiny hair. Today, She had to meet her and ask her to come out of the dream. So, Alice can eat all her dreams - but not today. She repeated that a thousand times in her head while she looked at the ignorant face of Alice, The Gatekeeper.
[execuse for the need to edit -- with the time constraint one really doesn't get the time :P]
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