This is perfect ending to a week which started with watching the movie "The Social Network". A themed browser backed by the Netscape founder is here and is called RockMelt. I had brushed this one aside, before a friend of mine got me hooked onto it. This new browser is really Jazzy even for the net junkies not into the social networking. However, If you are into networking and shit... this is the place to be. It pimps the browsing experience.
I am a memory conscious animal and since, I am using this 1.83 GHz HP mini, my every step in installing new programme is decided by the memory usage. I checked out the Memory consumption for RockMelt : As much as Google chrome - which in anyways is a one of the lightest in its league.
Itz available on invite only. Go to and seek an invitation. Once, you get the invite (courtesy facebook) you can download it and then, use the facebook login again to step inside. you get to see all your friends on the sidebar. The other pillars of Social Networking (Twitter) are also available for easy navigation.
It seems an all out attack by Mark Zuckerberg on Google. If the messaging service wanted to outdo gmail, RockMelt seems a clever political alliance to drown Chrome.
I am not sure about the security and crash resistance yet - but considering its a new age browser it would be at its worst be 1000 times sturdier than the dud called Internet Explorer. You can catch on more detailed review here>>
That ends my first post through RockMelt.
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